January 20, 2010

"Parker Barker"

We love Parker. For those of you not familiar with her, she is the angel that helps me with the twins on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Parker first joined our family the summer I was pregnant with the babies. Although not on bed rest, I was limited in what I could do, I was huge and generally uncomfortable so Parker came during that summer to help me with Chapel and Eli. The babies were born in the middle of the summer, so they officially met Parker then. Skip ahead and now Parker is back. And we are oh-so thankful that she is. Par-par, as she is affectionally called by Conor, is patient and easy-going and does lots of fun things with the little ones including trips to the playground, strolls around the block and bike rides. I use the time when she is here to work at the store, which makes concentrating on what needs to get done much easier. I am happy with our routine and I think the babies certainly are as well. They don't so much as blink, much less, cry when I walk out the door and leave them. They just shout "bye". Parker is one of the family - Parker Barker.

Here are the babies and Parker posing in the t-shirts she had made for them for Xmas. As much as I would like to believe Parker only has us to think about, she is also an artist, avid recycler, basket weaver, cyclist, and loves VW buses - she and her hubby drive a super cool one. Aren't these shirts the coolest???

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