October 10, 2009

World War III

They really are the best of friends. They talk to each other, sleep in the same crib every night, chase the dogs together. But every once in a while, or at least once a day lately, they get in a heated game of tug-of-war. Sometimes it is over a toy. Sometimes a telephone or sippy cup or bottle starts the war. But today, I was shocked at what they were fighting over....Can you guess? A plastic grocery bag! Filled with clothes that needed to go to the cleaners. What is the fun in a plastic bag? I really don't think it's the prize they care about, just the win. Conor definitely had it first but Jude decided he HAD to have it - no matter the consequences. In the end, the clothes were all of over the floor, the bag was ripped, and I had to upset them both by throwing the torn bag away! Check out the play-by-play below......

1. And so the tug-of-war starts. 

2. The clothes are now all over the place!

3. Exhausted after his win. 

4. But very happy with his bag!

5. Although blurry, Conor is clearly mad.

6. So she comes back again to show who is boss!

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