October 14, 2009

Eli Had Made An Important Decision

After much hemming and hawing, Eli has finally made a final decision on his Halloween costume. 
Fred from Scooby Doo? No..... 
Vampire? No....... 
Spiderman? No........ 
Although all of these were very high contenders, the winner was (drumroll, please) Astronaut! Complete with space shuttle. Just wait until you see the photographs on Halloween. I am watching him play astronaut as I type and it is cute, cute, cute. I am so happy that he has finally made up his mind because for a while there he had a new costume idea everyday. Here he is, pictured outside the Hokus Pokus - bags in hand. 

In celebration of picking his costume, we made caramel apples when we got home.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet mom you are! You're always doing creative things with your kids...crepes, caramel apples...will you be my mom too?
