Sometimes your weekends are great, and it's not because of any one thing, but a combination of little things that are well timed. Friday was low key -with the exception of a little dress up for school. Chapel participated in "Dress As Your Favorite Book Character" to kick off Ashley Hall's week long book festival. She was none other than the super solving sleuth, Nancy Drew:
Saturday morning we hit the ground running. Chapel's school chorus was invited to sing at Barnes & Noble to celebrate both the release of the new Fancy Nancy book and in recognition of book fair week at school! Here are the wonderfully talented and ever entertaining, Caroline's Carolers performing at B&N.
After that, we were off to a girls only birthday party for Margot at Little Gym. Conor had the best time playing with her friends from school.
On the ride to the party she announced over and over that it was girls only and that daddy, Jude and Eli were not invited. She felt so BIG to be going somewhere with no brothers or sister!
I love how each kid got the chance to shine a little and how awesome the Spring weather felt. Perfect weekend!