April 29, 2011

Easter Weekend = Family Fun

We had an incredible Easter Weekend - for the first time in several years we went home to Conway and Myrtle Beach and were surrounded by all of our family. Papa Ed invited us to stay the weekend at his new beach house in Garden City. We often stay in Garden City often, but this new house had a swimming pool and dock so the kids were able to enjoy all of these new activities in a familiar place. We kicked off the weekend with a one night stay at Papa and Gigi's where the kids enjoyed coloring eggs and hiding them over and over.

Jude getting in the spirit.
Working hard on coloring the eggs.

Waiting to go find the eggs Chapel and Eli hid.
Papa and his brood in front of Gigi's lovely spring flowers.

Once in Garden City, we spent most of our time by the pool and enjoying time with all the grandparents. We grilled, swam, walked to the arcade and chased the ice cream truck. Having everyone together made for the best (and easiest) holiday we have had in a long time!

Ice Cream!!
Conor loves this ride at the Garden City Arcade.
Jude showing Papa Ed goodies from the Easter Bunny.
MaMa Anne giving Conor a few pointers.
Wonder what these two think they will catch in the pool?
My little fish....
Eli crabbing on the dock.
I hope you guys had a wonderful Easter too!

1 comment:

  1. Reese and I love looking at all the pictures! She demands to see them over and over again. Can't wait to see you guys this summer. Love you
