January 03, 2011

Resolutions Resolved!

After first explaining to my two oldest kids what New Year Resolutions are and why we make them, Eli was the first to declare his 2011 resolution. Can you guess what kind of resolution a 4 year old makes? Eli has decided he will brush his teeth everyday! I think this new Firefly Spiderman toothbrush he found in his stocking was an incentive. You push the little red button and the toothbrush blinks for one minute. Lights quit blinking, kid quits brushing. Great invention!
Chapel's resolution is to learn to play guitar in 2011. When she arrived home from Germany, her daddy had this little Fender Starcaster waiting on her and she has been wanting to start lessons for months now. So when I told her a resolution could be wanting to do or learn something new, she immediately new what she wanted to learn!
As for the twins, well, Disney Cruise lines made their resolutions for them by requiring that all toddlers be potty trained or no pool time or free playroom time. So, with our cruise coming in March, guess what these two have to accomplish in 3 months time?
And Franklin and Eleanor have let it be known that they wish to walk a little more by constantly standing under my feet every time I turn around. So their wants are also taken into consideration.
And today, when Chapel asked, "Mom, what is your resolution?" I almost said I did not have one until I realized my resolution was to help everyone accomplish their resolutions! Which so far, Eli has brushed his teeth everyday. The dogs were walked and I did ask my neighbor about her son's guitar lessons. Now, if only this potty training could happen overnight....

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