December 22, 2010

Capturing A Kid's Personality

By now, most of you have probably received our Christmas card with this picture on the front:
At first, I wasn't sure that I wanted to use the photo, but after careful consideration I realized it captures each child's personality perfectly.

Let's start with Jude. This is my baby that climbs everything, always trying to get in and out of whatever is around him. He never sits still and is always curious, always exploring.

Eli. Well, Eli is a bit of a grumpster at times. Although he is a sweet and funny child, he often wears this exact expression to show his displeasure. If he does't want to do something, he has no problem telling you how stooopid it is or what a horrible day he is having.

Chapel. Chapel is such a sweet and easy going child. She rarely complains and is always going with the flow. She is smart, sensitive and creative.

Conor. My perfect combination of sugar and spice. She is entertaining, silly and sometimes down right menacing. We are always wondering what she is going to do or say next. When getting her photo taken, she no longer says, "cheese" but instead screams, "princesses on ice". Which is exactly what she is doing in the above photo.

So that my friends, explains why this picture was on our card this year. No other photo I have captures each child's individuality as much as this little one.

Merry Christmas!

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