October 17, 2010

Not For the Weak of Heart (or head)....

We all knew it was coming.... well, we sorta expected it. But thinking it might happen as opposed to it actually happening is an entirely different story. Since the twins have been mobile one of their favorite activities has been to jump from this coffee table to this couch. Over and over again. Despite warning after warning!
Unfortunately, Jude missed and banged his head really hard. With Brett working at the Law School until 9pm, I was alone when the crisis occurred. And if you ever wonder if your kid is gonna need stitches, let me just tell you, when they need them you just KNOW it. When I saw this gash, I immediately called the Folly Beach Public Safety Department who responded in less than 3 minutes with a firetruck, ambulance and police car. They are actually, embarassingly, familiar with me at this point. The fireman said, "I responded to a fire here when the twins were two weeks old" (faulty AC unit). And the policeman remembered us from just 5 weeks ago when Eli locked Jude in the bathroom and again, with me being alone at home and unable to get my child out of the loo, I had to turn to the resourceful FB PSD.

Jude was loaded on the ambulance while the other three kids and I followed in the car. Brett met us at MUSC and stayed with Jude while I returned home. Here is my baby's head in the ER.

And here is my baby waiting patiently to see the doctor. He doesn't seem too distressed, does he?
The final result of our night of trauma? Three lovely staples, yes staples, to the back of the head! Thank goodness he is recovering nicely and the staples are scheduled to be removed tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. poor lil' guy. hopefully a valuable lesson has been learned. those staples are pretty cool though. they don't have to shave your head to get stitches in.
