October 27, 2010

New Kid on the Block

Today I took my four kiddos to visit their new cousin, John Redden. My first cousin, Tina, and her husband Joey just welcomed their bundle of joy 4 weeks ago and he is too sweet. I was surprised at how relaxed Tina was as a first time mom - especially with my wild children running through her home, peering over the top of the bassinet for glimpses, and asking for every piece of candy in sight. I remember being a first time mom to a four week old and I don't think I was half as composed as she! It's so great when someone I am close to in my family has a baby. Finally, it's my turn to enjoy holding them and then giving them BACK!

Chapel sharing the love.
Eli looking deceptively sweet.
Conor and Jude reverting back to infancy and enjoying the baby swing.

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