October 02, 2010

Big Man's Big Adventure

While Chapel and I enjoyed our European vacation, Eli enjoyed a vacation of his own. He stayed with PaPa Dan Dan and GiGi for a few days in Conway and then travelled to my dad's home state of Kentucky for a Fogle Family Reunion. This was the first time Eli had met many of Kentucky relatives and definitely his first road trip without mom, dad, and siblings. From what I can gather, he did miss us but his one-on-one time with PaPa and GiGi more than made up for mom and sissy being away. Mom said he was very well-behaved, ate well, slept well and had an incredible time playing with rocks, fishing, catching grasshoppers, breaking the piƱata, and sleeping with his grandparents every night. After hearing of his adventure, Chapel declared Eli had way more fun that she had, and that next year Eli should travel to Germany with me and she can go to Kentucky!

Hanging with PaPa and GiGi in Conway.

Reunion in Kentucky.

A trip to the Knoxville Zoo on the way home.

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