Party #1
July 24, 2010
Can you spot the difference?
If you regularly read my blog you will remember just last week I posted on Chapel's two birthday parties. Can you believe not one person asked me about the obvious change in her appearance from Party #1 to Party #2. To review:
July 22, 2010
Splish Splash
Summers in the south are hot and even when you live by the beach, sometimes you just want to take a dip in the pool. This summer we invested in SPLASH passes. Splash Zone is a water park located at the James Island County Park - less than 5 minutes from our home. I love the convenience and the kids always enjoy themselves - not to mention wear themselves out. Give them a few hours at the park and they are ready to go home and chill.
The kiddie park - where we spend most of our time!
At the beginning of the summer, Jude was hesitant to even get in the water. Now he's sliding and climbing and playing with no fear.

Chapel loves the lazy river and slides. She will hang in the kiddie pool, but she definitely prefers the big kid rides.
July 18, 2010
Turning 6 Is a BIG Deal
Chapel was born happy. As a baby, she was never overly fussy or demanding. She found great comfort in mom and dad, of course, but she also appreciated her alone time and could entertain herself rather well. She loved playmats, her crib and mobile and her toys and books. Chapel was our first baby and there is something about your first baby that teaches you the meaning of family. Being responsible for a whole other person changes you like nothing you could have imagined before parenthood. I loved Chapel the first time I saw her.
Chapel when she was 3 months old!
On her first day at Ashely Hall. She had just turned 2. It was a bittersweet day when she started school.

Chapel is very mature and turning 6 was so important to her, that we decided to let her choose what she would like to do. She decided on a slumber party with friends and a family party with cousins and grandparents. Wary of a slumber party, I convinced her an extended evening playdate that started at 4 and went until 8 would be ideal- perfect for pizza, cake and playing.
The girls making homemade pizzas.
Play time!
The family celebration was held on Saturday. Chapel choose Jack's Cosmic Dogs for lunch followed by present opening and watermelon and cake.
Aunt Crystal and the cousins gave her some cool clothes from Justice.
PaPa and GiGi gave her a plane ticket to Germany so she can go with me in September to visit Aunt Meredith. I am beyond excited for this mother/daughter experience.

Happy Birthday, baby girl. I love you more than pictures and words.
July 16, 2010
An Affair to Remember
You may remember our good friend Margie and her beautiful family from such past blog posts as Thanksgiving 2009:

Well, last Tuesday Margie called me to say she might be getting married to her fiance Trey on Folly Beach on Saturday. She also said my husband might perform the wedding ceremony, my children might be flower girl and ring bearer, and the reception might be at my house. I simply replied, let me know as soon as you know. Thursday morning, I received the following text, IT'S ON! What?? How was she, I mean I, going to get ready for a wedding in 2 days?? And how was she going to get a cake, dress, photographer, soloist, the list goes on and on in 2 days? But Margie is a machine and she does not disappoint. When Saaturday afternoon rolled around she showed up with her entourage, dresses, cakes, food, music, soloist - the whole nine yards. And I thought I had a lot to do getting Chapel's flower girl dress and Eli's ring bearer ensemble together.
Well, last Tuesday Margie called me to say she might be getting married to her fiance Trey on Folly Beach on Saturday. She also said my husband might perform the wedding ceremony, my children might be flower girl and ring bearer, and the reception might be at my house. I simply replied, let me know as soon as you know. Thursday morning, I received the following text, IT'S ON! What?? How was she, I mean I, going to get ready for a wedding in 2 days?? And how was she going to get a cake, dress, photographer, soloist, the list goes on and on in 2 days? But Margie is a machine and she does not disappoint. When Saaturday afternoon rolled around she showed up with her entourage, dresses, cakes, food, music, soloist - the whole nine yards. And I thought I had a lot to do getting Chapel's flower girl dress and Eli's ring bearer ensemble together.
The ceremony was so sweet and simple and beautiful. It was just her and Trey and her kids, one of her sisters and their best friends. My mom and dad were also in town and had the opportunity to attend. We have all known Margie for over 6 years now and we were all so excited to see her tying the knot with a great guy.
Congratulations, Margie and Trey! We wish you much happiness and feel very blessed that we were asked to help you celebrate your special day!
Making her way down to the beach.
Brett officiating.
Chapel loved it when Brett said you may now kiss the bride....
The happy family.
All the men at the wedding.
Walking in at the reception....
Renee using the new gong to announce Mr. & Mrs. Trey Thompson. (Finally, we have found a good use for the gong!)
The cake. Can you believe she got this in two days?
And finally, my babies attending what I believe to be their first wedding and reception.
July 14, 2010
Chuck E. Cheese - Always a Crowd Pleaser
To celebrate turning two, the twins had their first official birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. Or as Conor calls it, Chuckcheeeese. So it would indeed feel like a real party, I invited not only grandparents and cousins but also some friends of ours who have babies in the same age range.
Mr. Carson with mom, Caycee and dad, Todd.
Cousin Cross and neighbor Celeste.
The whole table with our very efficient party host, Shane.
Mom and dad with their babies. I mean toddlers.
Chuck E. Cheese did frighten Conor a little at first but once she warmed up she was giving him high 5's left and right and introduced herself by saying, "I Conor. I'm two." But she only appreciated him when being held. Put her on the floor by him and she would hold her arms up and say, "I hold you." Which is her way of asking for you to hold her. So stinking cute.
Jude was his usual monkey self, climbing everything in sight, obsessed with feeding the tickets (without any help) in the machine that counts them, and determined to put his own tokens in the car rides. He is still a little shy around newcomers, but he is so independent these days. One of his favorite things to say is, "No, mama." He, Carson and Darlynne, especially enjoyed Skee Ball!
People ask me all the time, "Are you sad they aren't babies anymore." And I adamantly respond, "Absolutely not!" I loved them as babies but I love them so much more as rowdy 2 year olds who have developed the sweetest, yet completely different, personalities. At this point in their co-existence, they act more like an old married couple than brother and sister. They argue, they kiss and make-up, and they generally love being with one another. Just when I thought I had this whole parenting thing down, along came twins and with them a number of happy surprises. Happy Birthday, Conor and Jude - you are a blessing to our whole family!
(Please note: color coordinating twin outfits were a gift from Aunt MiMi - how European!)
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