April 29, 2010

Date Night(s)

So, I had an epiphany over vacation....a scheduled date night with the kids. Sure, you always hear about husband and wives making time for date nights, but what about that one-on-one interaction with your children? It came to me when Chapel and Eli stayed at the "Neverland Club" at our hotel while Brett and I went to dinner at an awesome rooftop restaurant on Disney property. Conor and Jude, due to their young age, could not go to the Neverland Club so I dressed them in cute new outfits and called it date night with mom and dad.

Entering the Neverland Club - Chapel and Eli begged to go back to this "kids only" club!

Balancing act at the rooftop restaurant. Check out Magic Kingdom in the background!

Brett ordering at California Grill.....

Conor and Jude's sophisticated menu choices on date night....no chicken fingers for these babes!

Although not quite one-on-one, it did inspire my new date night philosophy with my kids at home. So far this week, Chapel chose to play American Girl Dolls on her date night, Conor and Jude each got to walk around the block with just mom, and Eli & I read about superhero's from his new book. I don't know, there must be some truth to safety in numbers because children act so differently when removed from the group. I feel like my new date night allows me the opportunity to explore each child's personality on a more individual level. I love that they are already talking about what they are going to do next week!

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