Chapel has shown some interest in the store lately. Just last week she told me when she turns 13 she wants to start working at SPROUT. (She also told me she wants a puppy when she turns 13 so who knows what all she has planned.) Recently, she gave me some good advice and suggested that I put a baby on our sign so people who drive by know that we are a baby store. She also told me the store looks dark from the street and we need more lights - this is actually very true. And over the summer, when I took her to SPROUT on an almost daily basis, she made several comments about how neat it is that mom has her own store. That statement alone motivates me to do a better job so that maybe one day she can be a part of the business. Saturday, as I was getting ready to go the annual Roper St. Francis Pregnancy Fair, I asked Chapel if she would like to go work the SPROUT booth with me. She was excited and eager to help out. So we picked an outfit that looked business casual, pulled her hair back, put on some adorable flats, and out the door we went. And truly, Chapel was a huge help! She assited in the set-up and break down of our display, she talked to people interested in our products, and she waited patiently as I talked and talked and talked and talked. Everyone commented on how adorable she looked (definitely picked a good outfit) and told me how pretty my little girl was. She is not only cute, she is wise and funny. And it makes me realize, especially when it is just the two of us because it is then that I see how mature she has become, that she is not only my baby but she is also my sweet little friend.
So true, My girls are my best friends in the entire world. Don't know what I would do without you all. She is very wise for her age and growing up to be such a sweet little girl.