January 30, 2012

When Kid & Camera Meet

Today after school, Eli climbed a huge oak tree on the playground. It was so impressive I wanted to take a quick a photo with my phone. To my surprise, when I went to use the camera, there was a message saying that I was about to run out of disc space and needed to delete photographs or videos. I looked and indeed there were over 600 pictures on my phone. Now I admit I have not downloaded my pics in a few months, but 600! That seemed ridiculous. When I got home, I started looking through all of them and to my surprise found that my little tree climber had been behind the lens snapping LOTS of photos himself.

There were numerous shots taken in the car from his vantage point in the back seat.

Some, like the one below, show the world from his view, which is quite nice.
And then there were the family member shots. Who knows when all of these were captured. Here he gets a close up Conor.

And then moves on to Jude.

And even some of mom. Here is his shot of me a the Museum of Natural History.

And goofing off at Christmas.

And making faces.....

He had even found inspiration in dad standing in line at IKEA.

Let's not forget the numerous toy photo op's.

And the ones of SPROUT.....

My favorite were the 8 or so he took of the fake baby belly hanging on the wall in the dressing room.

While I may have missed the opportunity to capture my big man in the tree, I instead was pleasantly surprised to find all the self-portraits of Eli on my phone. And those, are much worth more!

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