January 07, 2011

Movie For the Wee Ones

Conor and Jude have now officially gone to the movies! We watch movies at home quite often and even though their attention span gives out at times, we decided we would take them on a major motion picture adventure. Chapel and Eli have been avid theater attendees FOREVER - but usually one parent or a grandparent takes them so someone can sit home with the twins. For all of you looking for some entertainment on this cold January weekend, I totally recommend going to see TANGLED. All 4 of my kids sat still the entire time and the babies were entranced! Even if you don't have a kiddo to take with you, adults can just as easily enjoy this movie. I have seen many, many G rated movies and this is definitely one of my favorites to date. It feels awesome to have this new activity that the entire family can enjoy together.
Hanging on to the tickets!

1 comment:

  1. Cute! I want to go see that movie, but I'm not sure Reese is up for it just yet.
