September 16, 2009

Something Wicked This Way Comes

Kids get really excited about Halloween. And a lot of adults do too, but I think kids, generally, start thinking about and planning their costumes well in advance. Chapel and Eli watched "Scooby Doo - Where's My Mummy" recently and it obviously had a huge impact on them. They have been asking lots of questions about mummies, Egypt and Cleopatra. So it only made sense that Chapel saw an opportunity and went with it.....Cleopatra for Halloween. Which I totally support because I think it is an awesome opportunity for a history lesson as well as a cool costume for a 5 year old. Today we went to Hokus Pokus to check out what they had on hand and I was half thinking there was no way they would have a Cleopatra costume to fit a 5 year old but they actually did. And even after looking at all the endless possibilities she could dress up as, Chapel remained committed to her original Cleopatra idea. Eli was a little more indecisive. He liked the Fred costume from Scooby Doo. He liked the sword on the accessories aisle. He liked the garden gnome, vampire and Star Wars costumes. In the end  he purchased a rubber snake and we decided he should think about it for a while before making a final decision (that being said, I think he is leaning toward Fred).  

As for Jude and Conor I am trying to find a famous couple costume or something that goes together. Like one baby be peanut butter and one be jelly. Brett thinks it would be fun for Jude to dress as Elvis and Conor as Priscilla - which is an idea I really like but am not sure how to execute. Most of the baby costumes are pumpkins and green beans and silly stuff. So if any of my blog followers have any ideas, let me know because having twins at Halloween is the perfect excuse for pulling off a witty costume.

Chapel modeled her outfit at home and it is incredible - but those pictures will not be revealed before Halloween. Stay tuned.............

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