July 29, 2009

Can't Complain

I like to think that I do not complain that often. My husband would disagree, he tells me I'm always complaining about something. But in all honesty, this week has been a long week and it's only Wednesday. I think coming back from two back-to-back trips and having to catch up on home life and work at the store has worn me out. Not to mention Chapel has her very last camp of summer this week on Daniel Island. Which is about as far away from Folly Beach as you can drive and still be in Charleston - like 40 minutes - and it is the most confusing place on Earth to navigate. Every morning has presented a challenge: I have trouble finding where I am going, or we have been running late, or I forget to pack Chapel a drink and have to search for the one gas station on the island to buy a gatorade, or in the case of today I show up and camp has been moved and I spend another 10 minutes looking for where it has been moved to. A comedy of errors it has been. 

Meredith accompanied me to pick Chapel up from soccer camp today, and she suggested we eat lunch at Queen Anne's Revenge -  a pirate themed restaurant on the island. I have since learned is the only restaurant dedicated to the authentic history of piracy along the South Carolina coast. And let me tell you, with its unique collection of artifacts and items from the period, it rivals the pirate museum we recently visited while on vacation in the Keys. I was impressed and very excited to be there, and I've even been there before. Eli and Chapel LOVED the pirate booty, the swords, the boat theme and the Blackbeard wax figures.  So I must confess, although I have felt the week was overwhelming, I realize that I really have no room to complain. To be able to enjoy a great lunch with my kids and my sister and niece, in such a fantastic little place (even if I have driven around it 100 times lost this week), and to have the freedom in my day to do this, I should really be more grateful and appreciative and not stress so much about the catching up. It will all get done eventually.....

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I couldn't meet you all there. Pirate theme doesn't do much for me, but love the food there.
